Product Description:
-A bouquet of 24 red roses with red ribbon. Beautiful white red Roses are just the flower to express your hot heart to your loved one. These lovely blooms will say: Wherever you are, whenever it is, my heart will be with you, and I am blessing you happy and healthy all the time So that your flowers last their longest, they are fresh, budding, and ready to bloom.
-Cadbury Dairy Milk Roast Almond Chocolate Bar 3pcs x 175g each.
-Regular size Cookies and Cream from red ribbon
-Creamy cookies and cream filled with real chocolate cookie chunks between layers of vanilla and chiffon cakes, topped with whole OREO cookies.
Note: this item we do delivery within metro manila and nearest provinces only
Product Code: Flowers Christmas Cake & Chocolate 0027
Price: $83.99