Product Description:
-A bouquet of 24 red roses with green foliages. White crepe paper within the packaging,pink inside,red outside. The most delicate of all the red roses combines green leaves can match perfectly with pink paper inside and red outside wrapping. Imagine your recipient's surprise when 22 beautiful red roses in assorted pastel colors arrive at their doorstep! < br>
-Regular size Dulce de Leche from red ribbon. < br>
-Heavenly layers of white chiffon cake with custard cream filling, enrobed in luscious sweetened milk and caramel icing. Wrapped in fine toasted chiffon crumbs and laden with a frosted caramel crystal layer: Gloriously crowned with white cream rosettes and chocolate spirals. < br>< br>
Note: this item we do delivery within metro manila and nearest provinces only
Product Code: Flowers & Christmas Cake 034
Price: $71.99